Sunday, August 4, 2013

River Adventures

The day started out just the same as any other, with Cullen taking advantage of the long mornings. Waking at a pace that best suits him for that day. Moments like these are when you wish you lived a dog's life. 

However, in no time at all we were up and more than ready for our next adventure. This time it would be experienced by water instead of land, and our views would be from the edge of the canoe rather than the cliff's edge of a mountain.  

"Look Dad geese!" Our trip was full of beautiful wildlife. Our first sight was a small flock of geese calmly coasting down river, feeding as they went.

Shortly after the geese, we got to  visit the crane just across the river. However, the visit was only for a moment, due to the the bird's extreme cautiousness.   

No visitor that day was as great as the Bald Eagle we saw fly overhead, and capture its fish from the river's current. As it sat upon the water-spoiled log that rested at the edge of the river, we slowly and carefully approached to watch it indulge in the treat it desired.

Although Cullen was thrilled with all the sights of the watercourse, he couldn't have been happier to run full force through the soft white sands of a vacant beach. 

Cullen met one friend that day, Penny. She and her human friend Bob were just up river a little ways. Cullen found them during one of his investigations. Penny and Cull liked each other so much had decided to leave Bob and come back with us to our beach, where they played a thrilling game of chase.

However, Penny would soon have to go home and we were left to the company of each other, more than thankful for the time spent with her. The sun was hot and all that paddling wore me tired, so having the energy to run Cull down would have been a challenge. I got the chance to read some of my book, and soak in the sunshine. 

After a long while spent at the beach investigating, napping, and running like mad, Cull dog was more than happy to be on the river again headed towards home. Our day ended with a calm night filled with music, food, and the company of our happiness.